Sunday 23 July 2017

Do not fear

We live in a time of fear!

Fear of terrorism, fear of crime, fear of unemployment, fear of illness, fear of loneliness, fear of aging, fear of exploitation, fear for our children, fear… The list continues and includes every unique fear of each human being alive today.

In the world of the wealthy fear is almost always connected to earthy possessions.  We fear our things will be stolen, our privileged way of life taken away.  

Fear we will become ill and not be able to earn more.  Fear as we age of death when our things are finally beyond our reach.  

Fear that if we share it will be at the expense of our children’s wealth.

  We fear being wrong so we believe our way of life is right. 

In the rest of the world people fear that the wealthy will consume all the world has without sharing, fear that the culture of the wealthy will consume the world and destroy theirs.

Fear that if they do not agree with the wealthy they will be destroyed.  Fear that they cannot participate in the things of the wealthy.

Fear that their children will starve, die in war, slavery, or sweat shops without ever participating in the world of wealth.

The wealthy are held in a spirit of bondage that is not of God, not of Christ, not Christian!  

We are held prisoners by our things they bind our desires, attitudes, actions and disadvantage the rest of the world. 

The wealthy live in a constant state of bondage, bondage that Christ cautions us about  in Matthew 19:24 “it is hard for a rich human to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich human to enter the kingdom of God”  because we desire things rather then God’s unconditional love.  

Faith in God's unconditional love given to all through Christ demands that Christians share unconditionally and extend God's love to all.

God gives equally to all humanity and in this God offers us a spirit of adoption, inclusion in heaven for eternity.

In this all humanity can live free in the knowledge we will all live for eternity as equals with equal opportunity in Heaven.

We can live without fear.
Grandma Snyder
©2013-2017 twosnydergirls

Lectionary: Isaiah 44:6-8; Psalm 86:11-17; Romans 8:12-25; Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43.

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