Thursday 7 January 2016

We Finish What We Start


One would think that by the time you become a grandmother you would have learned that your grandchildren are paying attention to what you say and then what you do.  Yet once again the voice of a seven-year-old caught this grandma up short, when I did not follow my own advice.

Those of you that follow the blog will know that on January 1, 2015 I started a year long knitting project entitled ‘Knitting The Temperature’.  I picked a lace knit stitch and started my scarf, however by the end of May 2015 I was not sure I liked the pattern and I realized that the scarf itself was going to be far too long.  Recording the temperature on a daily basis had become a habit and knowing that my maternal grandfather kept journals in which he recorded the temperature and the weather for every day I continued, however I stopped working on the scarf.

The yarns lay neatly rolled into balls in the basket beside my chair the scarf a almost half done folded on top.  Christmas came and went with our granddaughters happily cherishing the handmade gifts they had received.  With all of their gifts made and put away the basket once again was the lone project sitting beside grandma's chair and this is when Ruth noticed it.

“Grandma when are you going to finish the scarf” inquired Ruth one afternoon when she was visiting.
 “I'm not happy with it I don't think I will finish it I'll just put it away” I replied.

 "Grandma do you told me that I had to finish my sewing project that I started that I just couldn't abandon it!  We finish what we start”, she said admonishing me with my own words.

Whoops I knew it what coming next and as she finished her sentence I pulled out my knitting needles and set about finishing the scarf.

It's done now and I'm OK with the pattern.  It still is too long so it has become an infinity scarf, which I will wear wrapped around my neck as is the fashion today.

It is always good practice to finish what you start and an even better practice is to do what you say and say what you do, little ears are always listens!

We finish what we start!

Grandma Snyder

©2013-2016 twosnydergirls

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