Sunday 26 July 2015

They Filled Twelve Baskets

Is our God no longer able to do these awesome miracles in 2015?

In the presence of our science driven society we no longer call them miracles?


Do we ask, except too little of our God and when God provides for us we attribute it to something or someone else?

I had the pleasure of listening to an Africa Mennonite talk about the miracles happening in his small developing church.

These were Old Testament fall on your face in fear and joy miracles.  Water to wine, loaves and fishes miracles, stuff!

You could tell that he had had a close encounter of the Spiritual kind.
He had been in the presence of God!

And what did the group of North American men and women do with this knowledge?  We offered polite applause at the end of his sermon and asked questions about, the politics of the area, access to clean water, health care and education.

No one and I am included in that group jumped up and said praise God brother tell me more about the miracles and God’s presence.

Children understand the miraculous and can still see it in the world around them.
When did we become willfully blind to God’s miracles? 

How is it we are more comfortable with a scientific answer or worse saying today's miracles are found in our science?

We are rich in all things compared to most of the rest of the world and so our faith has to pass through the eye of the needle.

Our God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.

Let’s look to our children and grandchildren and seek to see the miracles of our Lord through their eyes for I know they are there if I will only look with eyes willing to see.

Grandma Snyder 

©2013-2015 twosnydergirls

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